Hypnotherapy and Regression

Hypnotherapy and Regression

Hypnotherapy, also referred to as guided hypnosis, is a form of psychotherapy that uses relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention to achieve a heightened state of consciousness or mindfulness. This form of therapy is considered alternative medicine with the purpose of utilizing one’s mind to help reduce or alleviate a variety of issues, such as psychological distress, phobias, and unhealthy, destructive, or dangerous habits (i.e. smoking and/or drinking). The aim of hypnotherapy is to create a positive change in an individual, while he/she is in a state of unconsciousness or slumber (sleep).

Regression therapy is an approach to treatment that focuses on resolving significant past events believed to be interfering with a person's present mental and emotional wellness. Regression therapy focuses on areas of conflict and other potentially negative aspects in a person’s life with a goal of isolating the causes of negative emotions and determining their cause in order to better address them. Proponents of regression therapy believe a traumatic event can often have a continued impact on a person’s ability to express emotion and interact with other people, though the individual may not readily recall the details of the trauma. Regression therapy can, then, be of benefit, because it can help a person return back to a trauma in order to understand the impact the trauma may be having on their behaviors and choices.