Therapy Fee

Face To Face / Offline Sessions

Type of Session Format Duration Fee (in Rs.)
1. Intake Session (Individual) Offline 1 hr Rs. 1000
2. Intake Session (Couple / Family / Parents) Offline 1 - 1.5 hrs Rs. 1500
3. Therapy Session Offline 1.5 - 2 hrs Rs. 2000
4. Group Sessions (min. group of 3 people) Offline 2 hrs Rs. 800 (per head)
5. Couple Sessions Offline 1.5 -2 hrs Rs. 2500
6. Family Sessions Offline/ Home Visit 2 hrs Rs. 5000
7. Child Therapy (Child Counselling) Offline/ Home Visit 2 hrs Rs. 3500

Online Sessions

Type of Session Format Duration Fee (in Rs.)
1. Intake Session (Individual) Online 1 hr Rs. 1000
2. Therapy Session Online 1.5 - 2 hrs Rs. 2000

Hypnotherapy Sessions

Type of Session Format Duration Fee (in Rs.)
1. Intake Session (Individual) Offline 1 hr Rs. 1000
2. Hypnotherapy Session Offline 1.5 - 2 hrs Rs. 2500

TGL Numerology Sessions

Type of Session Format Duration Fee (in Rs.)
1. Intake Session (Individual) Offline/ Online 45 min – 1 hr Rs. 1000
2. Numerology Session Offline/ Online 1 – 1.5 hrs Rs. 4000

Payment Terms

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