TGL Numerology

TGL Numerology

The Route to Self-Discovery and Personal Transformation

If you look around, you may as well notice that we are surrounded by numbers. Galileo said, “Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe.” According to Pythagoras, “All things are numbers.” He said, “Numbers rule the universe.” On the same lines, Plato also said, “Numbers are the foundation of all things.” The idea of Numerology emerged in many ancient cultures like China, India, Japan, Greece, Rome and Egypt. Pythagoras, a Greek Philosopher and also the founder of Pythagoreanism developed Numerology as a method of analysing the unique vibrations and energies associated with each number and its impact on individuals, helping them to gain insights into their own strengths, weaknesses, goals and life purpose. Numerology is a research based science.

Numerology works as a guide to help people their life journeys, especially at those junctions in life, when they have to take important life decisions such as choosing a career, finding a life partner, making a big investment, to name a few. It is at these times, when no matter how good one’s intensions are or how well informed one may be, a voice within wishes to somehow know if they are doing the right thing. By incorporating numerology into one’s life, a greater self-awareness can be achieved based on one’s personality type, leading one to get clarity about one’s strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, when taking any life decisions, big or small as they be, one can stay confident and fulfil one’s life purpose. Who wants a life that is passive and dependent on circumstances when one may become an active participant in one's own life journey and live it with self-awareness and passion?

We all have distinct personality types and are impacted by the numbers which rule us. Numerology is a tool to help us gain insights into our personality types, so that we are able to make some modifications in our life to cover negative or lacking effects. By the same token, we enhance the positive traits and their effects on us.

As a Psychotherapist, I apply the concepts of numerology to add a unique dimension to my practice. Especially when working with clients dealing with rigid issues related to personality type, or repeat life patterns for example, this tool is on immense help to delve into a deeper layer of their personality to gain insights into their problems. To put it differently, we get to the root of the problem, pluck the weeds from among the healthy plants right from the source. Numerology is all about getting to the root number and working way up from there.

Numerology can show us our path. In a nutshell, Numerology helps us to get a deeper and more meaningful understanding of our personality type, leading us to take more appropriate life decisions like in relationships, career gaols, understanding life purpose, choosing a suitable life partner, etc. This can therefore be considered a very logical tool for our mental and emotional wellbeing because if we are able to understand our own selves deeply and clearly, we can make suitable conscious choices in every aspect of life and lead a life according to our highest good and life purpose.

As children, when we start interacting with the world, the people who come in contact with us – parents, teachers, care providers, often point out our strengths and weaknesses by saying things like, the child is moody, he is introvert, he doesn’t like to mingle and interact or else he is talkative, fearless, fast learner etc. As care providers, we immediately start worrying and attempting to fix the things we fear can be of problematic nature in future. The fact is that we all are born with certain traits which are unique to us, be it positive or negative. We come in this world with certain strengths, and some other strengths we acquire here with our efforts. By the same token, we also have certain weaknesses and shortcomings. We should accept ourselves as we are. This is the first step to be taken. Slowly we should understand our weaknesses and with unconditional love and support, overcome them and convert them into our strengths. This life is our learning ground. If we keep exploring ourselves at a conscious level, we can make the best of this journey called LIFE.